Backyard Safari
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HEY. (HEY) HO. (HO) I want you all to go with me
On a backyard safari
Daddy Long Legs. Very long legs. He got a eight legs
He's an arachnid
There's a pill bug, a rolly polly bug, he rolls himself up into a ball.
Many spiders, gettin' thinner, spinnin' webs to trap their dinner
Give your jungle call
Hey Hey Hey Hey Hey Hey Hey Hey HO HO HO Ho HO HO Ho Ho
Backyard safari
There's a bumble bee and a honey bee collecting pollen for making honey
They're an insect with a big eyes. They've got a six legs and two antenni.
There's a butterfly, there's a beetle, there's a red ant and a mosquito
Give your jungle call
Hey Hey Hey Hey Hey Hey Hey Hey Ho HO HO HO HO HO HO HO
Backyard safari
Raccoon wears a mask at night
Squirrel jumpin' on the run
Frog is croakin' in the pond
Snake is basking in the sun
Backyard safari
There's an earthworm.
He's a dirt worm.
Hard at work worm diggin' in the garden
So many birds, see a chick•a•dee
and robin red breast, sing for you and me.
Into the bushes, hot on a trail.
Follow slug tracks from a slimy tail
Give your jungle call
Hey Hey Hey Hey Hey Hey Hey Hey Ho HO HO HO HO HO HO HO
Backyard safari
Backyard safari
Backyard Safari