That's Botany
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Plant life grows with the help of the sun
That light energy to make a chemical reaction
Add minerals and water so plants can exist
Through a process called photosynthesis
Oh that's so botanical
It's a plant process, photosynthesis
Chlorophyll makes a leaf green
It captures sunlight for energy
Add C02 and water, then you know
Chloroplasts make sugar so a plant can grow
Stoma are holes a leaf has everywhere
Breathing carbon dioxide gas
Out of the air
Through the holes breathing out what we breathe in
Making' 02 for me and you,
They give us oxygen
A typical life, when plants reproduce
They grow a stem, roots, shoots,
Leaves. flowers and the fruits
Microscopic plankton or monkey puzzle trees
To study plants, that's Botany
Oh, that's so botanical
It's a plant study of a plant you see
That's Botany