Vegetable Bash
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I went to snooze in the vegetable patch
For forty winks I thought I could catch
But just as I was starting to doze
A lean, green bean came tickling my toes
He said, “Hey bub, go sleep in the grass.
We’re getting ready for a vegetable bash.
We’re always tossing and a swinging it seems
We’re a dancing bunch of vegetable greens.”
Veggie, veggie vegetable bash
Veggie, veggie vegetable bash
Salad boogie at the garden patch
It’s a veggie, veggie vegetable bash
Lettuce rolled around his head and tossed his salad leaves
A radish bunch came to lunch and to mingle in the greens. Keen
Rutabaga is tootin’ a horn
Red tomato is swingin’ the corn
My oh my what a lively morn at the veggie, veggie vegetable bash
Cucumber is right on time to spin that carrot round
Do se do with an artichoke then all jumped up and down
Cauliflower is shaking his head, salad dancin’ in the vegetable bed
Just can’t wait till I’ve been fed at the veggie, veggie vegetable bash
One potato, two potato, three potato , four
Spuds, spuds, spuds all over the floor
Pickle brought some eggs, onion shouted
Let’s dance into tater salad
We’ll if your friend is pale and pallid, treat your pal to dancin’ salad
When you want some excitations
Send your stomach green vibrations
You’ll see, you’ll see you’ll be feeling fine
Veggie, veggie it’s a vegetable bash
Vegetable Bash